
And our satisfied clients agree that we are the experts…
Your report was above what other suppliers have delivered. Very professional! My client was very thankful for your completed work.
Senior Consultant, Caterpillar Inc.
Market Research Strategic Support Group
I am very satisfied with the work done with your company. Regarding your respect of the timing, reactivity to our questions and quality of the data received, we are more than happy.
Ludovic Cessac
International Fieldwork Coordinator
Before we found Bazis, we literally spent years looking for a Russian qual partner. We went through three or four vendors in a two year period before we found Bazis. I think Bazis understands the needs of their international customers better than most, and they are willing to sacrifice short-term gains for a long-term relationship. By hiring such a good Russian vendor, it allows me and my staff to focus on the research as it relates to our client.
Tony Kirchman
Senior Global Sourcing Coordinator, Supervisor
Bazis is an efficient and reliable source for our company. Their service is excellent and the personnel I work with are great. They have been able to provide us a broad range of research needs while always remain flexible, and cost effective. Their understanding to our unique requirements, able to improvise when requested is something we appreciate as a supplier. It is terrific to work with an organization that was able to adapt to our needs so readily and effectively. They are a trusted partner for us, and I have no hesitation in recommending them to any company.